Saturday, July 28, 2012

a saturday well-spent

072812. saturday.

my saturdays are always about night-outs with absolutely crazy friends (could be my high school or college buddies), food overload (mostly an overkill of unhealthy, fatty food) and lots of other things unimaginable and hilarious (the possibilities are limitless with us. HAHA.). it just doesn’t feel right not to spend at least day of my week with them. i’d be needing a dose of their humor and rumor from time to time. HAHA. them evil friends. HAHA. their wickedness makes me love ‘em even more. HAHA.

so last saturday, july 21, i went out again, this time with my high school girlfriends. joson, faith, katrina, julie, rochelle, jusz, sarah, josan. :) well, this hang out was kind of special in a sense. for the first time, we don’t share the same paths in life, at least for now. there are those who’ve already jumpstarted their own careers, those who are now graduates but prefer the life of a bum for the moment (is that me right there? HAHA.), and those who are still to sweat out the remaining sems left for them. well, we really now have our own lives but that doesn’t mean we’d stop seeing each other. HELL NO.

here are some photos to satisfy you with everything that happened.

struggling to choose a resto. it always takes us a long time to pick. HAHA.
who's that hiding behind the bag? HAHA.
maybe you should stop picking your nose in front of the table? what do ya think? HAHA. 
pizza. :)
pasta. :)
great seeing josan again! haha!
and the fangirl strikes again. hahaha! we still love you, julie. don't worry. HAHA.

there’s actually something else that happened that night, something humiliatingly funny or should i say funnily humiliating? HAHA. as much as i’d want to tell you, i don’t want you to doubt our personalities. HAHA. just forget i told you anything about this. HAHA.
guess i'll be seeing them again this SATURDAY!

*thanks to faith for the photos*

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