Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Virtual Gratuity

Birthdays are almost perfect  if only my age could stop and forever stay at 22. Haha! Silly wish.

As you may have already guessed, this post still has something to do with my birthday yesterday. Nope, I am not yet over it. Haha!

It was pretty special because I received two unique gifts, and I so wanted to share them here because I believe they are blog-worthy. And hey, this is a good way of showing my gratitude.

Jusz and Jerome took the time to write birthday blognotes for me. I had also written posts like these as gifts for some dear friends before, so I kind of felt animated to be on the receiving end this time. The result? It was surprising and touching (I was almost in tears). Hahaha!

Nona Reyes 101
Read the whole post on her site, Shuffled Wavelengths.

First is Justine’s gift, which is a "-101” type of post. Cute! Hers is a light and funny take on my idiosyncrasies. My favorite points are the “Mrs. ________” (It’s like I’m everybody’s missus. The poor guys don’t even know they’re already married to me.) and “Late comer” (See, I have my reasons for being late all the time. It’s fun you know.) Hahaha! It has only taken her a few years to know every nook and cranny of my persona. There's nothing I can hide from her anymore. Haha!
Read the whole post on his site, Jargoned Reality.

Second is Jerome’s surprisingly more serious post. Knowing Je, it is easier for me to expect something ultimately hilarious from him, but then what he has posted is something utterly heartfelt. I am really moved to know that he thinks highly and nicely of me. It's always gleeful moments with us, no drama, so to read something this sincere is unquestionably amusing.

On a serious note, I had an epiphany after reading these posts. I realized that my friends see me differently from the way I see myself. Oh, there’s a big difference. I mean, sure, we’re on the same page about other things, but there are also stuff I thought I already understand about myself. How they see me I can’t be too sure, but I can tell it’s something way better. I’m glad I read these things. It’s like having a fresh perspective again. The things they have written make me feel so good about myself and the things happening around me. Aaah, I love my life and the people in it! 

To end this post, I just wanna say thank you to Jusz and Jerome for their effort in writing something so funny yet sweet. How do you manage to do that, guys? I really, really appreciate it! XOXO

Let my every birthday be this great!


  1. This is so sweet, Mrs.Bieb! Panget ng layout ko!

  2. hahaha! glad you liked it! :) tae, cute nga e. colorful! :)

  3. joo gagawa tau ng layout mo wag kang mangamba! hahaha



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